Knowledge Organisers
We are developing Knowledge Organisers for each unit of work. We have started with Art & Design, Design Technology, Geography, History and Science for the Autumn & Spring Terms, and will continue to develop them for all foundation subjects as we progress through the year.
Knowledge Organisers are a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that pupils need about a unit of work. They fit onto 1 side of A4 paper and are stuck into books at the beginning of the unit to support learning.
The aims of our Knowledge Organisers:
- To show the substantive and disciplinary knowledge needed within each learning journey
“Disciplinary – What makes a…. Geographer?” - To identify the key vocabulary needed to be successful in that unit
- To make links between prior learning and future learning
- To capture the knowledge which needs to be covered to answer a ‘Big Question’
Our Knowledge Organisers are chunked into clear sections, and are consistent in their design to support the retrieval of prior knowledge. Visual prompts support learning, and sections include:
- Previous Learning (Vocabulary & Knowledge)
- New Key Vocabulary
- Substantive and Disciplinary Knowledge
Please click on the links below to access the knowledge organisers for each year group.